Sunday, June 19, 2016

VBX Week! The longest week of the year:)

Last week was VBX at our church. VBX stand for Vacation Bible Experience. I guess the school word conjured a bad connotation.  I served as Preschool Coordinator.  Basically, I got whatever preschool teachers didn't have, held crying, bleeding 4year olds, held a baby who was not happy, took attendance, had dead fish duty, etc.  (The dead fish had to do with an activity centered around the story of Peter, James and John.  Out of 50 goldfish, 2 were alive by Friday. They got them on Wednesday. We brought 1 of them home with us.)
It was a good week. However, there is nothing like a full week of VBX to exhaust you and your kids.
On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to tell the story to all the elementary kids.  It is a big deal and I was thrilled to be asked by my boss to do it. I studied my script for about 4 weeks, recorded it on my phone and listened to it and went over all the details many times in the shower. I woke up around 5am on the day of with my brain spinning and my stomach in knots. I was excited for the day to finally be here!
The worship center was full of loud kids, loud music and my heart pounding. It is that moment before you are on. The "Host" for the week was next to me. He calmly laid his hand on my arm and said a quick, soft prayer for me. It is a sweet moment that I will NEVER forget.
We joined this church a year and a half ago. After searching for a church when we moved, we found our church home. It was not what where we expected to end up. However, He has such better plans for us. It is a very large church with many serving servants. I feel lost in the crowd many days. However, in that 1 moment, someone felt led to pray over me. Someone he doesn't know well, but followed the leading of the Holy Spirit. It was precious and I felt honored to be a part of it.
VBX is a hard week to serve! Tensions flare, exhaustion kicks in and opinions are made known. However, it is a week to show kids the love of Christ. He is in every detail and teaching us in every moment. When I reflect on this week, I will be thankful for: an elementary team that strives to make it great, people rocking babies, sweet preschoolers giving me high fives, quiet moments when kids are hearing the gospel message and the love of a Savior that will never give up on me.

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